Monday, December 19, 2011

Dr. Asthana Presentation

1. Grain boundaries in metal occur during crystallization, when two crystals meet it forms a boundary. This decreases conductivity, strength and durability of a metal that is formed. Decreased grain boundary size decreases the effects of this.

2. There are a variety of methods that can be used to decrease grain boundaries in crystal growth such as varying the temps used in manufacturing, the speed that it is cooled at and the concentrations of reactants used.

Dr. Grant Lecture

1. MALDI (matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization) is a valuable tool in qualitative analysis, it utilizes basic kinematic formula to calculate the mass of a sample. The sample is placed in a chamber and a vacuum is applied, by means of laser the sample is ionized and sent through the chamber to a detector, the time of flight is used in the formula 1/2MV^2 can than be used to asses the mass. In depth overview.

SEM images